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Co-Create with The Universe:

Our Inner Child Oracle

(Limited First Edition)

Landed on the Earth


Co-Create with The Universe Oracle Cards

It’s more than an oracle cards.
It’s a tool to co-create with the Universe.
It’s also a card game of life.

This 48-card inner child oracle deck helps you to co-create your dreams with the Universe by embodying and tapping into the wisdom, wonders, beauty and powers of the 40 magnificent and magical Inner Child Guardians of The Universe.


This is a limited first edition of Our Inner Child Oracle is designed for those who truly believe in magical miracles and the wonders of the Universe. A must-have for those who dare to pursue their inner child’s dreams!


It is your everyday co-creation empowerment boost to take actions towards pursuing your once-thought-impossible dreams and living your new dream life.


About the Co-Creator


Hello, I’m Anm Pek (Level Up with Anm). I left a career in higher education in 2021 and embarked on a new chapter of my life as a spiritual educator, explorer, healer, author and co-creator of the inner child with the Universe (Andromedan Starseed).

“I teach what I create to heal and make dreams into reality.”
– Level Up with Anm

In 2015, I gamified metaphysics and created my own character gamification framework to find a person’s talents, life purpose and own niched career path. I have also published 2 academic research papers on character gamification in global education conferences.


In 2022, I fine-tuned my character gamification concept to create an inner child character gamification framework to guide others to reclaim their innate talents, powers, and beauty.

Co-Create with The Universe: Our Inner Child Oracle

Are you ready to Co-Create with the Universe?

Co-Create with The Universe: Our Inner Child Oracle was co-created with the Universe. This deck was initially intended to guide me on the adventure of playing this game of life to fulfil all my inner child's dreams. However, I believe that this magical co-creation tool can help you and many others who are on the same adventure, like me, to courageously move towards making our inner child's dreams come true.


You can use it to co-create your dreams in the areas of your career, wealth, relationships, and health with the Universe. You will never be alone again because you will realise that the Universe is always there, waiting to co-create with you.


There is a total of 20 inner child characters made up of 10 personality characters and 10 ability characters. Each character has a dark and a light archetype which further gives rise to the 40 inner child guardians. Each card reveals a different inner child guardian which possesses its own unique beauty and powers, giving you specific guidance and wisdom on your question or circumstances, bestowing the support and confidence boosts that you need.


10 Personality Characters:

Dancer, Explorer, Healer, Manifestor, Mentor, Messenger, Psychic, Shapeshifter, Warlord, Warrior 


10 Ability Characters:

Ally, Ambassador, Artiste, Creator, Founder, Gladiator, Overseer, Researcher, Ruler, Sage


Some of the 40 Inner Child Guardians:

Hope Bringer, Spiritual Explorer, Healer of Harvest, Psychic of New Moon, The True One, The Ruler of The Day, Star Messenger, Locus of This World, Soul Dancer, The True Warrior, Aura Star and many more...

How To Co-Create with The Universe using Our Inner Child Oracle Deck

Spiritual Researcher (one of the inner child guardians)

All concepts, characters, artworks, graphics, names and poems on cards are co-created by Anm with the Universe.

Anm's Mirror Concept

I also uses this deck as a spiritual mirror tool. Each card reflects and shows you a part of your inner child (aka true self) to you. The 44 cards represent 44 mirrors, reflecting and revealing the various innate powers and beauty that you already have when you came to this world. It’s time to reclaim your beauty and all your powers.

About The Deck (What You Are Getting)


Each deck comes with 44 oracle cards and 4 introduction and how-to cards. They are produced with love and good intentions from Anm.


  • 44 Oracle Cards

  • 4 Introduction + How-To Cards

  • Card Measurement: 8cm by 13cm

  • Spot UV coat finish adds a nice shine to the inner child guardian on each card.

  • Hard-Board Deck Box with lime colour and dark blue as background colour reflect the concept of having hope and faith when we are in the dark. There is no faith like the faith of a child. Be grateful not just for the light but also for the dark because it is where we will uncover our true beauty and powers. Gold hot stamping on the some of the texts on the deck to give a feeling of exquisiteness and luxury.



By purchasing 1 Co-Create Oracle deck, it includes an online lesson to learn how to reap the full magic of the deck. Anm will guide you on preparation, shuffling and card reading techniques.  



What’s So Special… What’s the Best

With this inner child oracle deck, you will uncover how dark beauty and powers benefit us and why they are our hidden true potential and precious treasures.


With this deck, you will see all your dark sides in a different light. Turning all your dark sides into the golden treasures that you never imagined you had within you all along.



What’s More: Besides providing you with inspired guidance from the Universe, this oracle deck is one of the core game items for an upcoming immersive game - the Game of Life version 3.0 that I am currently working on.

This Deck Means A Lot To Me
And I Hope It Means A Lot To You Too

This is an important creative project and offering because it is considered my first inner child co-creation with the Universe after my spiritual awakening in 2021. My inner child has been calling me to express myself, to tell stories of facing my darkness and the awakening as well as to share the wisdom that I received from the Universe through this co-creation. This inner child oracle deck is a celebration of my spiritual awakening and coming out from the dark and hermit mode.


It is a tool to heal myself and others.


It is a tool to teach myself and others.


It is to make all our inner child's dreams come true.

This deck is valuable to you and to the world because:


  1. By co-creating with the Universe through this deck, more people can fulfill our dreams.

  2. The cards help us to unleash our true potential by bringing our attention to our light and dark sides. I want more people to recognise that their dark side is not as fearful, scary or bad as they have thought. Our shadows are our true friends, telling us where is our precious treasure lies. When we are in the dark, we will see and appreciate the beautiful light.

  3. We need to receive enlightenment, blessings, protection, healing, guidance, support and empowerment on life's journey.

  4. We need to gain clarity and confidence along the path towards our dreams.

  5. More people are in need of inspiration to start living their dreams NOW.

This is for Real

"I am Co-Creating My Dream Life and Career with The Universe."
- Level Up with Anm

Now, I am living my dream life and working in my dream career as a spiritual educator, healer, explorer, author, co-creator of the inner child with the Universe. As an inner child speaker and guide as well as an inner child oracle reader, I am a walking proof.


Get Your Own Inner Child Oracle Now

Co-Create with The Universe: Our Inner Child Oracle


(Free Delivery Around the World)


Inclusive 1 x Ticket to Online Workshop on How to Use the Deck


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